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10 Things We Want To See In The Power Rangers Sequels

The Power Rangers reboot is now here and despite a lukewarm response from critics, it's being met with a lot of love from fans and doing some pretty decent box office business to boot. While nothing official has been announced just yet, this will likely be enough for Saban and Lionsgate to speed ahead with their ambitious plan to make five more movies.

9) Give Bryan Cranston’s Zordon More To Do

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Casting Bryan Cranston as the Rangers’ disembodied mentor Zordon was a stroke of genius on the production team’s part. For longterm fans, it brought things full-circle as a young Cranston once voiced several of the monsters-of-the-week on Mighty Morphin. More importantly than that, though, Cranston is a phenomenal actor who brought a real gravitas to what was traditionally a loveable but cheesy character.

Under Cranston – and some nice work from the screenwriters – Zordon became a much more layered character than before. For one, he was a previous Red Ranger who had been betrayed by his teammate the Green Ranger, Rita Repulsa. He was also a more fallible mentor, criticizing the team and losing faith in their ability to get the job done at certain points.

In the sequels, it would be great if this combative, two-way relationship between Zordon and his Rangers could be continued. As the Rangers get stronger and more experienced, Zordon learns to trust them and their instincts more. Let’s hope that Lionsgate manage to hold onto Cranston for the duration of the franchise.