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10 Pixar Moments That Will Reduce You To Tears

Pixar have recently released their 17th feature film, Finding Dory, the much-anticipated sequel to their 2003 instant classic Finding Nemo. The studio’s longevity is due to the impressively consistent quality of their movies, each of them getting you emotionally invested in the animated antics of the characters - be they toys, fish, robots, superheroes etc.

9) Mr. Incredible’s Darkest Hour

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A terrific action-orientated superhero film, The Incredibles isn’t often thought of as one of Pixar’s most emotionally taxing movies. Nonetheless, one scene in particular offers up a devastating, and really quite dark, moment.

Captured by Syndrome, Mr. Incredible believes that the ubervillain has killed his family by blowing up their plane. Having a father think his wife and young children have been murdered is pretty bleak in itself, but Mr. Incredible’s subsequent violent turn – as he threatens to kill Syndrome’s henchwoman Mirage in retaliation – makes it even darker.

Of course, Elastigirl and the kids survived the explosion and the family reunites soon after this. It has a happy ending, then, but the initial threat of their death is a shockingly dramatic turn for the movie.