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10 Directors Who Would Be Perfect For Man Of Steel 2

Man of Steel was far from a flop back in 2013, but it still didn't perform anywhere near as strongly as Warner Bros. was hoping in terms of reviews or at the box office. That, perhaps, at least partially explains why the studio has decided to turn what was going to be the movie's sequel into a Justice League prequel and a film set to feature Superman coming to blows with Batman on the big screen for the very first time.

3) Alfonso Cuarón

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Alfonso Curaon

Since directing the masterpiece that was Gravity,Alfonso Cuarón has been oddly silent.

What’s next for the man who also helmed the best Harry Potter movie remains to be seen, but a superhero movie would be very cool. I’ve talked a lot here about the possibility of grounding Superman, but why not take things in the opposite direction and send the iconic hero into outer space?

Man of Steel 2 shouldn’t basically be Gravity 2 of course, but the point is that it’s a realm in which the director has already done some amazing things, so you just know that him sending Superman into outer space could have some amazing results and lead to a very unique movie.

As awesome as the action scenes in Man of Steel were, can you imagine what kind of awe inspiring scenes Alfonso Cuarón could deliver through the use of his signature tracking shots? That alone makes the prospect of him potentially taking the helm of the sequel very exciting indeed.