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10 Directors Who Would Be Perfect For Man Of Steel 2

Man of Steel was far from a flop back in 2013, but it still didn't perform anywhere near as strongly as Warner Bros. was hoping in terms of reviews or at the box office. That, perhaps, at least partially explains why the studio has decided to turn what was going to be the movie's sequel into a Justice League prequel and a film set to feature Superman coming to blows with Batman on the big screen for the very first time.

5) Kathryn Bigelow

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Kathryn Bigelo

Kathryn Bigelow’s name has been put forward for any number of superhero movies over the years, but whether or not the woman responsible for The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty would ever say yes is another matter. Warner Bros. offering up one of their most iconic superheroes might just be enough though, and regardless of whether we’re talking in terms of action or story, Bigelow is someone who could very well take this franchise and turn it into the next Dark Knight trilogy.

Man of Steel only really flirted with the politics which would surround the arrival of a being like Superman on Earth, and while Batman V Superman looks set to expand on that through Senate hearings and the like, there’s still room for the idea to be further explored in this sequel.

It’s that which could attract a filmmaker like Bigelow to the property, and it’s an angle which would be a very unique and interesting place to take a character like Superman.