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10 Directors Who Would Be Perfect For Man Of Steel 2

Man of Steel was far from a flop back in 2013, but it still didn't perform anywhere near as strongly as Warner Bros. was hoping in terms of reviews or at the box office. That, perhaps, at least partially explains why the studio has decided to turn what was going to be the movie's sequel into a Justice League prequel and a film set to feature Superman coming to blows with Batman on the big screen for the very first time.

7) Bennett Miller

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Bennet Miller

After the likes of Capote, Moneyball and Foxcatcher, it’s fair to say that Bennett Miller has yet to make a bad movie. A superhero property is obviously a huge departure from those, but he would be far from the first filmmaker to make an unexpected jump to the superhero relm. Just look at the success Kenneth Branagh found with Thor.

The kind of writers and directors Warner Bros. has been approaching for their DC Extended Universe movies point to them wanting to take a smarter and darker approach to this world, following the mixed response to Man of Steel, and someone like Miller perfectly fits the bill.

His films are well crafted and carefully made, and he would be an amazing choice to take Superman and deliver a really intelligent blockbuster which could modernize the Man of Steel and paint him in a whole new light.

Zack Snyder did that too to some extent, but the movie at times felt like a bit of a Nolan knock-off.