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10 Directors Who Would Be Perfect For Man Of Steel 2

Man of Steel was far from a flop back in 2013, but it still didn't perform anywhere near as strongly as Warner Bros. was hoping in terms of reviews or at the box office. That, perhaps, at least partially explains why the studio has decided to turn what was going to be the movie's sequel into a Justice League prequel and a film set to feature Superman coming to blows with Batman on the big screen for the very first time.

1) George Miller

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George Miller

George Miller has been rumoured to be in the running to take the helm of the Man of Steel sequel for a while now, and while the director has flat out denied those reports, it’s not exactly difficult to understand why that might be the case.

Mad Max: Fury Road was an incredible movie, and no doubt one of the all-time great entries into the action genre. His past work is also no doubt excellent, but it’s this release which has really brought the filmmaker to the attention of superhero fans in a major way.

Of course, it’s not like he’s a stranger to this realm, especially after he very nearly ended up taking the helm of a fully motion capture Justice League movie a few years back. A writer’s strike brought an end to that one, but the DC Universe is somewhere Miller has spent a lot of time in, so you have to believe he has some great ideas for Superman, and the kind of action sequences he’d have in store for us would no doubt be mind-blowing.