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10 Movies That Are The Black Sheep Of Their Franchises

If a film is lucky (aka lucrative) enough to spawn a series, the law of averages dictates at least one sequel will suck. And not just suck, but suck really, really bad. It may even be so poorly regarded that afterwards the franchise will semi-reboot, with the next movie ignoring it completely.

3) Halloween III: Season Of The Witch

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John Carpenter never wanted to Halloween II, so he made damn sure Michael Myers was burned to a crisp in the finale to avoid making more. When asked for another sequel, he decided to make Halloween an anthology series, so each entry could be unique.

This intriguing notion lasted one movie since Season of the Witch wasn’t warmly received. The story has an Irish toymaker – who’s also an evil warlock – selling cursed Halloween masks. Once a special signal is broadcast, the masks will kill the children wearing them, causing poisonous snakes to crawl out of their exploded heads.

This nutty entry has been re-appraised as an atmospheric horror tale in recent years, and many think it would have been better received if it hadn’t been called Halloween III. People came in expecting Myers and got killer robots and dead children instead, so you could see why they might’ve been disappointed.