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10 Movies That Are The Black Sheep Of Their Franchises

If a film is lucky (aka lucrative) enough to spawn a series, the law of averages dictates at least one sequel will suck. And not just suck, but suck really, really bad. It may even be so poorly regarded that afterwards the franchise will semi-reboot, with the next movie ignoring it completely.

6) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation

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The fourth instalment of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre series is an unusually starry affair, with future Oscar winners Matthew McConaughey and Renee Zellweger in leading roles. This is from a time before anyone knew who they were, so neither of them talk about it much – which is easy to understand.

It’s a tedious horror romp where the only highlight is watching McConaughey overact with all his might. The movie attempts to recreate iconic moments from the original, but it has none of the atmosphere or creeping dread. Furthermore, the characters are immensely irritating and Leatherface is turned into a shrieking drag queen who doesn’t really do anything.

At least the tagline is kind of funny: If looks could kill, he wouldn’t need a chainsaw.”