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10 Movies That Are The Black Sheep Of Their Franchises

If a film is lucky (aka lucrative) enough to spawn a series, the law of averages dictates at least one sequel will suck. And not just suck, but suck really, really bad. It may even be so poorly regarded that afterwards the franchise will semi-reboot, with the next movie ignoring it completely.

8) A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge

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The first sequel to A Nightmare On Elm Street is one of the weirdest slasher movies ever. The story has a teen named Jesse moving into the house from the original. He’s soon possessed by Freddy’s spirit though and forced to do his evil bidding.

Nightmare 2 is unique in that it has one of the rare examples of a male scream queen. The gay subtext makes it stand out too, even though the director claims it wasn’t intentional. Despite some interesting deviations from formula, it just isn’t scary and is loaded with several unintentionally funny scenes, like an exploding pet bird, a gym teacher being pelted by basketballs and the most embarrassing dance ever recorded on camera.