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The Top 10 Marvel Characters Who Deserve Their Own Film

Comics are king. Or at least that's what the box office shows. The two biggest films of the year? The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises, both based on comics. Only The Hunger Games has kept The Amazing Spider-Man from rounding out the yearly box-office podium and that financial success will likely continue with this week's release of The Avengers on Blu-Ray.


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Of all the characters on this list, a Venom film seems like it may be the most likely. The film has been rumored for  a long time, and this past summer news leaked that Josh Trank is in talks to direct the film and that it should tie in with The Amazing Spider-Man universe.

Venom is definitely a fan favorite. No Spider-Man villain is as loved among comic-book fans as the symbiote fueled Eddie Brock, so Marvel needs to go out and find an Eddie Brock with the physical stature to make him an intimidating foe (no offense Topher).

In all honesty, I didn’t think Spider-Man 3 did a completely horrible job of portraying Venom. The transfer from Peter Parker to Brock was pretty good, but the film really fell short when it came to the battle between the two. It didn’t nearly live up to the huge potential this character has.

The problem with a Venom movie lies in the fact he’s a Spider-Man villain, and this couldn’t just be a Spider-Man movie. That being said, they don’t have to ignore Spider-Man. Obviously Venom isn’t anything without the powers gained from the symbiote’s time with Spidey, but they would have to work the plot away from what we’ve seen before. The best way to go about it would be to extract Spidey from the Venom/Carnage showdown and let that story stand on it’s own.

That showdown really has everything needed for a great movie, Brock is in love with his doctor, but he wants to escape prison, in his rebonding with the symbiote he enables himself to escape, yet puts her life in danger by letting the symbiote form into Carnage who then takes her hostage. Boom final battle.

It could also focus on Brock away from Venom. Learn about his original time as Venom through his talks with the doctor he falls for, and let the audience (those who don’t know the story of Venom that is) believe as she believes, that Venom is a figment of his imagination, making it all the better when Venom returns.

With how many rumors have circulated about this film, you know people are thinking about it and want it to happen, now Marvel needs to make it happen.

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