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The Top 10 Marvel Characters Who Deserve Their Own Film

Comics are king. Or at least that's what the box office shows. The two biggest films of the year? The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises, both based on comics. Only The Hunger Games has kept The Amazing Spider-Man from rounding out the yearly box-office podium and that financial success will likely continue with this week's release of The Avengers on Blu-Ray.


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Wolverine may be the most popular of the X-Men, but if there was any other character who deserves their own origin film it’s Cyclops.

Cyclops was not given nearly enough credit in the X-Men films as he took a wimpy backseat to Wolverine. And that’s a shame because he’s an interesting character as he’s the polar opposite of all of Wolverine’s negative traits. He’s the epitome of a self-less, controlled leader.

Growing up he was easily my favorite of the mutants. I mean, Scott Summers is the commander of the X-Men and has probably the coolest mutation of them all, so to say the movies left me disappointed would be a severe understatement.

There was an origins film rumored, which I suppose would really be the only way to have it be his own film and not just another X-Men film. As interesting as it would be to see Summers become Cyclops, I think the movie would be much better if it took place after he has already mastered his mutation. It would be very difficult to do this film without it being about the X-Men, but if they could find a way to make Cyclops the main focus, it would make for an awesome film.

Another option would be the recent story where Cyclops kills Professor X. Granted, this again falls away from a solo Cyclops film and would be very much a film for the whole Marvel universe, but the potential of this story on the big screen is gigantic.

James Marsden said a few years ago that he wants to do a solo film for Cyclops. In his limited screen time he did a fairly good job at portraying the character. I’m not going to say he was my ultimate choice for Cyclops, but if he can use his name to get this film into production, I’ll be thrilled to see him reprise the role.


A mercenary who has fought alongside and against just about every Marvel group, Cable is a character who definitely needs a movie as soon as possible.

Nathan Summers is the half-cyborg mutant son of, you guessed it, Scott Summers. If they did do a Cyclops solo film it would set up a Cable film perfectly. End Cyclops with his son being born, and a few years later give the fans the Cable film they want.

Cable jumps between present day and Earth 4935, which is basically a dream come true for any sci-fi visionary. Few movies have gone that far into the future, and taking that Earth from comics to film is a task fitting for the finest of directors.

Being from the future, Cable knows what is going to happen, but as in any time travel movie, he has the responsibility to not destroy the timeline. A lot of the tension from the film can come from that issue, but the focus of the film would have to be the showdown with Apocalypse, which results in a teenage Nate emerging victorious.

Casting for this would be tough, especially considering there aren’t many A-list actors who are 6’8″ 350 lbs, but with a bit of CGI, and some slight shrinking of Cable it’s very doable.

Ryan Reynolds has been a proponent of a Cable film for some time, and he thinks Cable deserves not just one film, but a series involving a team-up/showdown with another Reynolds favorite (but more on that later).

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