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10 LGBT Superheroes We Want To See Get Their Own Movie

Comic book movies and diversity don't tend to mix, but it's about time LGBT characters were finally acknowledged in the world of superheroes.

5) Green Lantern (Alan Scott)

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green lantern alan scott

Mere mention of the words “green” and “lantern’ within the same sentence can instil a fear of dread in many, thanks to the abysmal Ryan Reynolds movie that DC released a few years back. This is a huge shame, as Green Lantern is one of DC’s most iconic and enduring heroes, arriving with a legacy that spans all the way back to Alan Scott’s original version from 1940.

Traditionally, Scott has been an older member of the Justice Society of America, inspiring younger heroes willing to take up the teams legacy, but in one of DC’s many company-wide revamps, the Golden Age Green Lantern was recently transformed into a younger version who just so happens to be gay.

What’s refreshing about this new version of Scott is that his sexuality doesn’t affect the way people perceive him as a hero in any way. There are no effeminate stereotypes where he is concerned and neither is there any over compensation in the other direction. Scott is a heroic and strong man whose sexuality is entirely incidental.

The Green Lantern reboot is now titled Green Lantern Corps, confirming that numerous heroes will take up the mantle in DC’s upcoming movie. Warner Bros. could not have made a better choice in this regard, as this could open up the franchise to appearances from Alan Scott, Kyle Rayner, John Stewart and even Jessica Cruz. Green Lantern Corps has the potential to be the most diverse comic book movie ever released… just as long as Scott’s boyfriend isn’t immediately killed off like he is in the comics.

That was troubling.