1) The Opening Sequence
The most iconic Star Wars moment of all, however, is not one specific scene but a hallmark of the franchise that defines it more than any other: that awe-inspiring, spine-tingly opening sequence.
There are four components that make up the opening to a Star Wars movie. First, the famous phrase, ‘A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…’ appears on screen. That fades out and then the Star Wars logo comes shooting towards you through space. As it sinks away, we then get the opening crawl, whatever it might be for that particular movie.
While these three elements are all iconic on their own, what really makes the sequence come alive is John Williams’ phenomenal score. That man never runs out of iconic themes – Indiana Jones, Superman, Harry Potter – but none of them hit the spot quite like the Star Wars one.
Whether it was in 1977 or 2015, the first time you saw the Star Wars opening sequence on the big screen never leaves you.