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Welcome To The Dark Side: The 10 Greatest Star Wars Villains

You only have to look at Darth Vader's place in pop culture to see that the Star Wars franchise belongs as much to its villain as it does its heroes. The saga draws from age-old mythological themes of good vs. evil, so naturally, the evil side has to be just as compelling as the good.

Darth Vader Rogue One

3) Boba Fett

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Boba Fett

Ah, Boba Fett. You hardly did anything and yet just about every Star Wars fan loves you. Meanwhile, Jar Jar Binks features a whole more and fans hate him. It doesn’t make a lick of sense.

The bounty hunter proved his worth in The Empire Strikes Back by managing to outsmart Han and hatch a devious plan with Darth Vader. Unfortunately, Return of the Jedi did its best to try and undo the cool factor by giving him a rubbish death scene – tumbling straight into the Sarlaac pit.

In truth, it’s Fett’s iconic design that’s a key part of his adoration. Along with his jet pack, his unique helmet is given scratches and worn marks that hint at any number of past scrapes. Though he doesn’t get to do much in the films, we believe that Boba has had many previous adventures.

Let’s hope that the often talked-about spinoff movie will come to fruition in the next few years and finally give the bounty hunter the screen presence he deserves.