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Welcome To The Dark Side: The 10 Greatest Star Wars Villains

You only have to look at Darth Vader's place in pop culture to see that the Star Wars franchise belongs as much to its villain as it does its heroes. The saga draws from age-old mythological themes of good vs. evil, so naturally, the evil side has to be just as compelling as the good.

Darth Vader Rogue One

6) Jabba The Hutt

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jabba the hutt death

Jabba the Hutt cast a long shadow over the original trilogy, as all we knew about him was that he was the powerful crime boss sending bounty hunters after Han Solo. In Return of the Jedi, he finally made his debut in the (slimy) flesh and instantly wormed his way into the public consciousness.

Unlike the grand villainy of the Sith and Imperial forces, Jabba offers a different sort of evil. Greedy, gluttonous, lascivious, Jabba is one nasty customer – something perfectly embodied in his grotesque design (after initially being portrayed as humanoid, by Scottish actor Declan Mulholland, in a deleted scene from A New Hope).  It’s not easy to best Leia and Han, but he had the warrior princess in chains as his slave and the famed smuggler as a living piece of art on his wall.

Thankfully, he got his comeuppance when Leia used the very chains that he used to enslave her to throttle him to death in one of the franchise’s big feminist moments – even if the effect was limited a bit by her wearing a metal bikini at the time.