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Welcome To The Dark Side: The 10 Greatest Star Wars Villains

You only have to look at Darth Vader's place in pop culture to see that the Star Wars franchise belongs as much to its villain as it does its heroes. The saga draws from age-old mythological themes of good vs. evil, so naturally, the evil side has to be just as compelling as the good.

Darth Vader Rogue One

9) General Hux

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The triumvirate of villains in Star Wars: The Force Awakens very clearly resembles the trifecta from the original trilogy. Supreme Leader Snoke is a little bit too close to the Emperor to make a real impression, but Domhall Gleeson’s Tarkin stand-in, General Hux, proves more memorable.

In charge of the First Order’s stormtrooper forces and their secret weapon the Death Star Starkiller Base, Hux is icy, aloof and loyal to his evil cause to a fault. In fact, we wouldn’t be surprised if he turned out to be Tarkin’s illegitimate love child or something.

It’s interesting to contrast him with Snoke’s other favourite, Kylo Ren. While Ren is impetuous and filled with rage, Hux is buttoned-up and controlled. The difference and rivalry between the two could well cause sparks to fly in future installments.


8) Count Dooku


What’s so great about Count Dooku? He’s Christopher Lee! ‘Nuff said.

Count Dooku (a play on Lee’s most famous role as Count Dracula) was once Yoda’s Jedi Padawan but later turned to the dark side, after disagreeing with the conduct of the Galactic Senate, and became Darth Sidious’ Sith apprentice, Darth Tyranus. After a prominent role in Attack of the Clones, he’s quickly bumped off at the start of Revenge of the Sith by Anakin.

While he’s basically The Lord of the Rings’ Saruman with a lightsaber and lightning fingers, Dooku is still one of the better things from the prequels thanks to the gravitas Lee brings to even the silliest of scenarios (his unintentionally funny battle with Yoda springs to mind). He really should have hung around for longer.