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10 Formerly Great Actors That Have Completely Lost Their Way

10) Mickey Rourke

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There are two peak stages of Mickey Rourke: his 80s heartthrob period, which included hits like Diner, Angel Heart, Rumble Fish and Barfly, and his brief 00s revival as a battered washout, which yielded comic book classic Sin City and Rourke’s undisputed masterpiece, The Wrestler.


After fighting his way back to the top following a public self-implosion in the 90s (boxing, plastic surgery, rumors he was awful to everyone), Rourke has seemingly burned his bridges again. If you thought The Wrestler was going to be Rourke’s ticket back to the big time, you were wrong: the Oscar nominee is now starring in direct-to-video dreck like Dead in Tombstone, Blunt Force Trauma and Skin Traffik, movies which will have you wondering what on Earth Rourke did to piss off Hollywood this time.