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10 Easter Eggs You Might Have Missed In Solo: A Star Wars Story

Solo A Star Wars Story is finally here, and as you might expect, it's full of easter eggs, references and callbacks to the previous adventures set in the galaxy far, far away. Being a prequel that fills in the early years of the scruffy-looking nerf herder, now played by Alden Ehrenreich, it gets to pick up and tie together, or at least be inspired by, many storylines and characters from various movies, TV shows and even old EU novels.

The Man Who Killed Aurra Sing

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When Lando first encounters Beckett, he’s impressed to meet him as he knows the man by reputation, as he’s the one who killed Aurra Sing. Beckett says that he only pushed her and it was the fall that killed her. Lando is still grateful, though, as he reveals that he owed her a lot of money.

Of course, Aurra Sing is another bounty hunter. She made her Star Wars debut in The Phantom Menace – she can be glimpsed watching the pod racing on Tatooine – and as with every minor character in the canon, other mediums expanded her presence in the galaxy. She and Bossk actually have a similar role in The Clone Wars, as both of them train Boba Fett. She’s also teamed up with Cad Bane and worked for Jabba’s evil uncle, Ziro.

It was a bit odd that she wasn’t seen during the Original Trilogy alongside many of her other bounty hunter compadres, but now we know that’s because she was previously offed by Beckett.