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8 Disturbing Details You Never Realized About Disney Movies

Disney movies have a reputation for taking questionable fairy tales, novels or real-life events and "Disneyfying" them - i.e. cutting out all the darkness to make them palatable for kids. While that's mostly true, you'd be surprised how many alarmingly disturbing things there are hidden in the movies of the House of Mouse. Often, the filmmakers will hide something within their family films that, if you pick up on it, will give the whole thing a much grimmer edge.


Cars Is Set In A Post-Apocalyptic World

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We’ve all done it. You’re sat watching Cars with some young’uns who lap up the talking cars with faces and your mind goes to a darker place: “How are these cars sentient? Did they overthrow their human masters and take over the world?” Well, yeah, as it happens.

Unlike the Emily=Andy’s mom idea, this one has been near-categorically confirmed. Cars creative director Jay Ward has explained his theory for the origins of the movies’ world. It’s not exactly canon, but considering Ward’s role in the films, it can practically be counted as such.

“If you think about this, we have autonomous car technology coming in right now. It’s getting to the point where you can sit back in the car and it drives itself. Imagine in the near-future when the cars keep getting smarter and smarter and after one day they just go, ‘Why do we need human beings anymore? They’re just slowing us down. It’s just extra weight, let’s get rid of them.’ But the car takes on the personality of the last person who drove it. Whoa. There you go.”

So, next time you watch the Cars trilogy, remember that you’re actually witnessing a Terminator-esque dark drama about what happens to the world after the rise of the machines. We’d say remember that while you’re watching Planes, too, but, come on, you’re never going to watch Planes.