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10 R-Rated Comic Book Movies We Want To See After Deadpool

Comic books are just for kids, right? They're just fun little adventures where the good guys always win, where no one is ever really hurt and the villains live on to fight another day. What adult in their right mind would read something aimed solely at children... right?

10) Y: The Last Man

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Y: The Last Man imagines a world without men (i.e. A perfect world for many). The only known male survivors are Yorick Brown, an amateur escape artist and his pet monkey Ampersand, because… well, monkeys are cool. No one knows exactly why all the living mammals with a Y chromosome died, but society inevitably collapses due to the number of deaths involved, forcing Yorick and the surviving women to try and prevent the extinction of mankind.

New Line attempted to produce a Y: The Last Man movie for over a decade, potentially transforming the comic into an epic serial franchise a la Star Wars, but alas, some things are just not meant to be and so the rights recently reverted back to the series creators. The intricacy and depth that the series delved into during its sixty issue run would be impossible to adapt into just one two hour movie, so New Line certainly had the right idea planning their adaptation out to be a potential franchise. The issue here of course is that if the first film doesn’t take off, then the studio have potentially wasted millions and are likely to cut their losses, canceling potential sequels.

Still, if handled right, Y: The Last Man could become one of the defining post-apocalyptic movies of our generation and the R rating would allow the film to faithfully capture the source material without dumbing the content down to appeal to a teenage market.

Also, monkeys are cool.