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The 10 Best Superhero Movie Moments Of 2016

It's been a mixed year for superhero movies, in the critical sense. Out of the six released in 2016 (a neat two each from the three big franchises: Disney's Marvel, Warner Bros.' DC and Fox's X-Men), three have been well received while the other half have been met with various levels of critical bashing.

4) “I Could Do This All Day”

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When it comes to Captain America: Civil Warit’s the airport scene that grabs the attention the most (and we’ll return to that moment soon). Still, it has to be said that the final fight between Cap, Iron Man and the Winter Soldier is tenser and more emotionally wrenching.

Now that Tony wants to kill Bucky for the death of his parents, and Steve has stepped in to protect his fallen best friend, the fighting between the two heroes feels less like a thrilling realization of comic book lover’s dreams but more like a tragic turn of events.

By this point, whose side you are on is almost irrelevant and the viewer is left clutching the arms of their seat with the worry that one might kill the other. A nice touch is the reprise of Steve’s line from The First Avenger. Just to remind us that this is his movie, it shows us that – though many things have changed in his life – Cap will still never give up on what he believes is right. He’ll see it through to the bitter end.