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The 10 Best Superhero Movie Moments Of 2016

It's been a mixed year for superhero movies, in the critical sense. Out of the six released in 2016 (a neat two each from the three big franchises: Disney's Marvel, Warner Bros.' DC and Fox's X-Men), three have been well received while the other half have been met with various levels of critical bashing.

5) The Warehouse Scene

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Batman Warehouse

Many fans were left up in arms over the controversially bloodthirsty depiction of Batman in BvS. However, even the most pacifistic of Bat-fans couldn’t have helped but be impressed by the warehouse fight scene that occurs just before the movie’s big climax.

This moment went a long way in convincing people that Ben Affleck’s version was the most formidable take on the Dark Knight yet seen in live-action. Certainly, few – if any – scenes in Batman’s long cinematic history have captured his ferocity and skill in a fight as well as this one. Here, we can plainly see the difference between Supes and Bats. Kal-El could have taken down these guys in a blink (or laser bolt) of an eye, but for Batman it takes effort, time and ingenuity – and is all the more impressive for it.

He might have severely injured, probably paralyzed and possibly killed a shedload of nameless henchmen, but at least he looked cool while doing it.