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The 10 Best Superhero Movie Moments Of 2016

It's been a mixed year for superhero movies, in the critical sense. Out of the six released in 2016 (a neat two each from the three big franchises: Disney's Marvel, Warner Bros.' DC and Fox's X-Men), three have been well received while the other half have been met with various levels of critical bashing.

6) Meet Wonder Woman

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When things don’t look to be going well for Bats and Supes in their fight against Doomsday, Gal Gadot’s Diana Prince (after first appearing in plain clothes earlier on) finally turns up in full Wonder Woman armour to give them some much needed back-up. In doing so, she not only livens up this testosterone-fest of a movie but also delivers its most fist-pumping moment, as DC’s trinity is finally united on the big screen.

The debut of a character who has been waiting 75 long years for a cinematic outing should bring a smile to just about any comic book fan’s face. Even composers Hanz Zimmer and Junkie XL knew how important this scene was and adorned it with the best piece of music in the whole movie. Unlike practically everything else in BvS, Wonder Woman’s thrilling debut bodes well for the future of the DC Extended Universe.