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The 10 Best Superhero Movie Moments Of 2016

It's been a mixed year for superhero movies, in the critical sense. Out of the six released in 2016 (a neat two each from the three big franchises: Disney's Marvel, Warner Bros.' DC and Fox's X-Men), three have been well received while the other half have been met with various levels of critical bashing.

7) Quicksilver Saves The Day… Again

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X-Men fans were bowled over by the “Time in a Bottle” sequence from Days of Future Pastso director Bryan Singer naturally incorporated a sequel to that scene in X-Men: Apocalypse. While it might not have the originality and freshness of its predecessor, the Apocalypse redux expands the scale and length of the scene to make it a much more impressive feat on a technical level.

This time, Evan Peters’ speedster has to rescue everyone in the X-Mansion from certain death in a few seconds flat, all set to the tune of the Eurythmic’s “Sweet Dreams.” It’s a fantastic moment and DC definitely have their work cut out for them if they’re going to try and beat this set piece in their upcoming Flash movie.

Also, while it’s not as fun to watch, the other great moment from the movie comes when Eric Lensherr loses his wife and daughter and once again becomes Magneto. It’s just a shame Apocalypse as a whole couldn’t replicate the levels of entertainment and emotion present in these two scenes.