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The 10 Best Movie Scenes Of 2016 (So Far)

2015 was supposed to be the big one. A year of huge movies - long-awaited sequels to Star Wars, Mad Max and Jurassic Park, a second Avengers, another Bond from Craig and Mendes and not one but two Pixar flicks - the likes of which we'd never seen before. It was the year of Tom Cruise dangling out of a plane during take-off and of DiCaprio making an epic journey of revenge through the snowy wilderness.

2) Captain America: Civil War – Bucharest Chase

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After the lackluster (and largely pointless) Age of Ultron, Marvel was clearly looking to get back on its feet right away and hit the ground running as it entered Phase Three. Captain America: Civil War was the Avengers movie Age of Ultron should have been: action-packed, imaginative and complete with lasting implications for the franchise on the whole. Anyone who felt the MCU was lagging after Ultron was surely re-energized by Civil War.


There are many great set-pieces within the movie that could warrant inclusion on a Best Of list (the Leipzig Airport fight, the emotional showdown at the Siberian facility), but best of all is the Bucharest chase scene, as Cap and Bucky break out of Bucky’s cop-besieged apartment, before the close-quarters sequence opens up with a chase down a busy highway between Cap, Falcon, Bucky and Black Panther.