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The 10 Best Movie Scenes Of 2016 (So Far)

2015 was supposed to be the big one. A year of huge movies - long-awaited sequels to Star Wars, Mad Max and Jurassic Park, a second Avengers, another Bond from Craig and Mendes and not one but two Pixar flicks - the likes of which we'd never seen before. It was the year of Tom Cruise dangling out of a plane during take-off and of DiCaprio making an epic journey of revenge through the snowy wilderness.

3) The Jungle Book – King Louie’s Song

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king louie jungle book 2016

Not many films in 2016 have felt like cinema in pure, distilled form quite like The Jungle Book. Probably very few thought Jon Favreau’s reboot would be much to write home about – after all, the film’s only one of so many blockbuster ‘re-imaginings’ being churned out these days. As it turns out, though, he movie is unexpectedly joyous, a burst of color and fluid action that occasionally breaks into song, as in its highlight moment.

What’s not to love about King Louie’s song? There’s the vibrant animation, the classic tune (“I Wan’na Be Like You”), the shadowy mise-en-scene riffing on Apocalypse Now, and Christopher Walken – The Jungle Book‘s mythical Col. Kurtz figure – mo-capped as a giant ape (actually a gigantopithecus, long extinct, but who cares about facts when the sequence is this much fun). It’s a magic moment in a film full of them.