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The 10 Best Movie Scenes Of 2016 (So Far)

2015 was supposed to be the big one. A year of huge movies - long-awaited sequels to Star Wars, Mad Max and Jurassic Park, a second Avengers, another Bond from Craig and Mendes and not one but two Pixar flicks - the likes of which we'd never seen before. It was the year of Tom Cruise dangling out of a plane during take-off and of DiCaprio making an epic journey of revenge through the snowy wilderness.

5) Eye In The Sky – Buying Bread

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Give credit where credit’s due to director Gavin Hood. Not just for so successfully picking himself up after the woeful X-Men Origins, but for making a thriller as accomplished as Eye in the Sky – nerve-wracking even though we spend most of the film inside darkened rooms looking up at a computer screen. And, in one sequence in particular, for making the mundane task of buying bread into a nail-biting experience.


Towards the end of the drone warfare drama, in a bid to lure a young girl innocently selling bread away from a zone targeted for a strike, the military men and women back in England try and get Barkhad Abdi’s spy on the ground to buy all the girl’s remaining loaves before the missile hits. Cue people frantically doing all they can just to get a young saleswoman to pack up early for the day.