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The 10 Best Moments From James Mangold’s Logan

Logan has been receiving a great deal of critical acclaim since those first press screenings, and while Deadpool may have failed to break into this year's Academy Awards, there are those who believe that James Mangold's movie stands a very real chance of doing so, and we'd have to agree with them.

8) Wolverine’s Daughter

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Logan Laura

In the comic books, the emphasis is very much on the fact that X-23 is Wolverine’s clone. In a universe where The Clone Saga happened (a convoluted tale where Spider-Man encountered multiple replicas of himself), that works, but in the often quite grounded X-Men Universe? Not so much.

Making Laura Wolverine’s daughter is a much more interesting move and makes a lot more sense from a scientific standpoint despite the fact that Logan does later go down the clone route with X-24. This also deepens the relationship between the two and assuming Laura returns somewhere down the line, the fact that she lost her father after such a brief time could play a big role in where she goes next as a character.

Furthermore, it also puts Wolverine in a situation he’s never been in before and it makes for a compelling viewing experience seeing the ageing mutant go through all that.