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10 Key Takeaways From The New Suicide Squad Trailer

Last week, Warner Bros. unveiled the first official trailer for David Ayer's Suicide Squad. While it technically wasn't our first look at the movie - that came when the studio was forced to release the Comic-Con footage online after a bootleg copy was leaked - it definitely did its job of getting fans excited for what's to come from 2016's second DC release.

4) “We’re Bad Guys”

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Harley Quinn SS

There’s no two ways about it; this was just a really cool line to end the trailer on.

While we’ll no doubt end up rooting for at least some of the members of Task Force X when Suicide Squad hits the big screen later this year, it’s important to remember that the team is still made up of characters who have tried to take out beloved heroes like Batman and The Flash, no doubt killing plenty of innocents in the process.

Of course, there’s still a lot of fun to be had following the adventures of villains, as they’re not held back by any of the moral issues that superheroes are, giving in to pretty much any and every desire they have. That’s something which is evident from Harley just casually smashing open a store window and taking a purse that she happens to like the look of.