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10 Key Takeaways From The New Suicide Squad Trailer

Last week, Warner Bros. unveiled the first official trailer for David Ayer's Suicide Squad. While it technically wasn't our first look at the movie - that came when the studio was forced to release the Comic-Con footage online after a bootleg copy was leaked - it definitely did its job of getting fans excited for what's to come from 2016's second DC release.

5) A Badass Will Smith

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After Earth really hurt Will Smith’s credibility as a leading man, but after bouncing back with Focus and Concussion, the beloved actor now looks set to truly redeem himself by playing Deadshot in Suicide Squad.

There are already rumours that Warner Bros. are so impressed with his performance that they want him in Ben Affleck’s upcoming Batman movie, and it’s not hard to see why after watching this trailer.


The shot of him taking on an entire squad of prison guards is very cool, but it still pales in comparison to the sight of Deadshot (sans mask unfortunately, though we do get to see that briefly a little earlier in the trailer) standing atop a car and shooting down an unseen threat.

This is Will Smith back to his badass best, and he promises to be a definite highlight here.