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10 Key Takeaways From The New Suicide Squad Trailer

Last week, Warner Bros. unveiled the first official trailer for David Ayer's Suicide Squad. While it technically wasn't our first look at the movie - that came when the studio was forced to release the Comic-Con footage online after a bootleg copy was leaked - it definitely did its job of getting fans excited for what's to come from 2016's second DC release.

6) Harley Quinn

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Harley Quinn

The big screen debut of Harley Quinn is long overdue, and everything in this trailer points to Margot Robbie being the perfect choice to bring the character to life in Suicide Squad. While she doesn’t have the same cartoonish voice or over the top mannerisms of either her comic book or animated counterparts, her Harley still feels dangerously unhinged – an accurate representation of what makes her so popular.

There’s something to love about pretty much every shot of her in this new look at the movie, whether it’s Harley drinking tea in her prison cell or flashing a cheeky smile and waving as she rides that elevator. The actress’ take on the comic book icon basically feels perfect and she remains one of the most exciting things about the movie.