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10 Key Takeaways From The New Suicide Squad Trailer

Last week, Warner Bros. unveiled the first official trailer for David Ayer's Suicide Squad. While it technically wasn't our first look at the movie - that came when the studio was forced to release the Comic-Con footage online after a bootleg copy was leaked - it definitely did its job of getting fans excited for what's to come from 2016's second DC release.

2) The Joker’s Toys And Tuxedo

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We still don’t know exactly how much The Joker will factor into Suicide Squad, but there are more than enough shots of him in this trailer to indicate that he’ll be getting a decent amount of screen time. Among the highlights is a shot of the villain in a tuxedo, a look which should instantly be familiar to comic book fans who remember Alex Ross’ iconic painting of The Joker and Harley Quinn.

However, even better than that is the sight of the Clown Prince of Crime laughing to himself while lying on the floor surrounded by knives, guns, and pretty much every other weapon you can imagine. It’s clear that this version of the character is darker and more violent than any we’ve seen before, and this is a moment which emphasizes that in a very disturbing way.