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10 Awesome Easter Eggs From X-Men: Apocalypse

The X-Men have over fifty years of history in the comics, as well as a movie series that's 16 years old and still going strong (perhaps stronger than ever). As such, X-Men: Apocalypse is in a position to stuff itself silly with easter eggs, references and trivia.

5) Weapon X

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Weapon X

Wolverine fans thrilled at his “surprise” appearance in the movie (it would have been a surprise if the final trailer hadn’t spoiled it) might have had their excitement turn to confusion when Logan turned up with a weird metal helmet on his head. Though it hasn’t been seen before in the films, this is a reference to the helmet he wears as Weapon X in the comics.

Logan is also calmed from going all berserker by Jean Grey. This foreshadows the love story between them once Jean is grown up by the time of the original trilogy. That is if all that stills happens. Damn, Deadpool’s right – these timelines are confusing.

While we’re on the topic of original trilogies, the X-Kids watch Return of the Jedi at the cinema. Jean’s line when they walk out, that “the third one is always the worst,” is presumably a dig at Brett Ratner’s The Last Stand, which Singer is not fond of.