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10 Actors Who Won Oscars For The Wrong Film

We like to pretend they don't mean anything, but at the end of the day, critics always find reason to pick holes in the annual Oscar results. Forrest Gump taking Best Picture, over Pulp Fiction? No way. Best Director for Robert Redford, not Scorsese? Insanity. Crash winning Best Picture, over Brokeback Mountain? Complete and utter bullshit.

4) Colin Firth

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colin firth a single man

Won For: The King’s Speech

Should Have Won For: A Single Man

The King’s Speech is one of those Oscar success stories that critics like to turn their noses up at these days. The truth is, the film holds up pretty well, and Best Actor Oscar winner Colin Firth is fine in it as the stammering King George – fine, if not great. Really, it’s Firth playing Firth with a rather obviously affected speech impediment.

Tom Ford’s A Single Man shows off a different side of Firth, one that reveals a shocking vulnerability beneath the often cold, steely facade. He was nominated for Best Actor for Ford’s film the year before he won for The King’s Speech. If only the Academy had been just one year earlier in their generosity.