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10 Actors Who Almost Played Spider-Man At One Point

Each of the three separate iterations of the wallcrawler were only cast after a great number of actors had been considered. Read on for ten actors you probably never knew nearly played Spider-Man.

10) Josh Hutcherson

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Insert obligatory “Peeta Parker” joke here.

Yup, The Hunger Games’ Josh Hutcherson was previously in the running to play the webslinger. He was a hot favourite for the role back in 2010, in the run up to the first The Amazing Spider-Man. Just 17 at the time, he even put together a demo reel of himself in character. It’s a little over the top, sure, but he’s a fairly good visual fit for the character.

Given that the eventual choice, Andrew Garfield, was 27 when cast, Hutcherson was probably passed over due to his youth. Ironically, though he expressed interest when the role was vacated once again a few years later, the then-22 year old Hutcherson was probably too old, and the 19 year old Tom Holland was cast instead.