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10 Actors Who Despised Their Own Movies

We've all seen movies we hate, movies that awaken a primal, unstoppable rage if mentioned. Even thinking about X-Men Origins: Wolverine is enough to make me try and surgically remove my own eyes with homemade claws, just on the off chance that I may walk into a room one day where it's being played.


1) Bob Hoskins – Super Mario Bros

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Video game adaptations tend to suck. We all know this by now, even if the Resident Evil franchise is a guilty pleasure for some… (averts eye sheepishly). Back in the early 90’s though, the rising popularity of video games was a relatively new phenomenon, so Bob Hoskins and co. must have felt pretty hopeful about a movie adaptation of Mario, the world’s most recognizable gaming character at the time.

Oh if only they’d known. Hindsight is a beautiful thing, something which Hoskins demonstrates beautifully in an interview with The Guardian newspaper about his career so far.

Q. “What is the worst job you’ve done?”

A. “Super Mario Brothers.”

Q. “What has been your biggest disappointment?”

A. “Super Mario Brothers.”

Q. “If you could edit your past, what would you change?”

A. “I wouldn’t do Super Mario Brothers.”

There will never be a better interview about a more terrible film. Good on ya Hoskins!

So, do you think actors should be more honest about their movies? Are some of these performers being ungrateful? And why is Katherine Heigl still making movies? Remember to let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!