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10 Actors Who Despised Their Own Movies

We've all seen movies we hate, movies that awaken a primal, unstoppable rage if mentioned. Even thinking about X-Men Origins: Wolverine is enough to make me try and surgically remove my own eyes with homemade claws, just on the off chance that I may walk into a room one day where it's being played.


5) Mark Wahlberg – The Happening

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Action star Mark Wahlberg may not seem like the obvious choice to play a science teacher who runs away from plants, but M. Night Shyamalan may not seem like the obvious choice to direct any movie these days, as his career continues to spiral into painful mediocrity.

Wahlberg doesn’t hold a particularly high opinion of The Happening, openly ridiculing the films plot in a hilarious interview.

“F***ing trees, man. The plants. F*** it. You can’t blame me for not wanting to try to play a science teacher. At least I wasn’t playing a cop or a crook.”

Fair play to you Wahlberg. Your heart was in the right place and even if the role didn’t turn out exactly how you wanted, at least your performance gave the world this now classic scene, one which will be forever remembered in centuries to come, even after killer pot plants eventually take over the earth.