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10 Upcoming Blockbusters That Need To Be On Your Radar This Year

No two people are exactly alike and that’s particularly true when it comes to movie preferences. How else can you explain the fact that the Transformers franchise even made it past the first film? Despite that, people still turn to movie reviews in order to help them decide which film to see next, hoping that one critics opinion will perfectly match their own.

2) The BFG

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Steven Spielberg is the undisputed king of family movies, a title he would have earned for E.T. alone, but his recent forays into the genre have been far less frequent than before. For every film like Tintin, Spielberg now pumps out a ton of historical dramas or adult thrillers, which is why it’s so exciting to see him return next year with The BFG.

The story follows an orphan girl called Sophie who befriends a giant that protects her from his man-eating brethren. Together, the pair distribute dreams to children, eat snozzcumbers and even meet the Queen of England in what’s set to be the family film of the year.


It’s hard to think of a more perfect combination than Spielberg and the legendary children’s author Roald Dahl. While the iconic director has made a huge number of movies that hit 90% or more on Rotten Tomatoes, Dahl’s best feature adaptations have fared just as well and sometimes, even better. Matilda earned enough rave reviews to reach 90% and The Witches is one of the few children’s movies ever made to achieve a perfect score of 100%.

If The BFG doesn’t attain 100% on Rotten Tomatoes somehow, then I’ll eat my weight in snozzcumbers.