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10 Upcoming Blockbusters That Need To Be On Your Radar This Year

No two people are exactly alike and that’s particularly true when it comes to movie preferences. How else can you explain the fact that the Transformers franchise even made it past the first film? Despite that, people still turn to movie reviews in order to help them decide which film to see next, hoping that one critics opinion will perfectly match their own.

3) Bourne 5

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Bourne 5

Despite promising that Bourne Ultimatum would be his last shot at the series, Matt Damon is set to return as Jason Bourne in the franchise’s fifth instalment next year. Little is know about the film yet, except the original dream team of Damon, Julia Stiles and director Paul Greengrass are all back alongside heavy hitters Alicia Vikander, Vincent Cassel and Tommy Lee Jones.

After the lacklustre response received by Bourne Legacy (sorry Renner), fans of the series have a lot to be excited about once more. The Bourne Legacy only scored 55% on Rotten Tomatoes, but the last collaboration between Damon and Greengrass attained a far more impressive 93%. The team previously stated that they wouldn’t return unless they found the right reasons to, so put any scepticism you may have to the side.

2015 has been an impressive year for spy movies, but with the right script, Bourne 5 has the potential to surpass them all.