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Nintendo Releases New Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Trailer

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Nintendo president Satoru Iwata presented a new trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword at a panel at GDC in San Francisco today. Nintendo still insists that the game will be released some time this year, after the re-release of Ocarina of Time on the 3Ds this June.

In addition to a whole bunch of direction-specific slashing, the new trailer shows a few little details from the game, including a new sword and a meter marked by a shield, which could indicate that blocking will be limited in this game.

I know that doubting Miyamoto-San and the Zelda series is blasphemy, but I’m skeptical.  A new Zelda game is always exciting news and the trailer is very pretty, but the game seems to rely on the Wii-control gimmick far more than I would like. Between that and the game’s less-than-stellar showing at E3 last year, the burden is definitely on Nintendo to prove that the game, and the console, are still relevant.

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