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Watch: Xbox Series X Dashboard Officially Revealed

Microsoft's goal of having the Xbox family expand to become a cloud-based, multimedia service available on every smart device you own is looking closer than ever to reaching fruition. Earlier today, the software giant released a video featuring various members of the Xbox Series X term discussing the bold new horizons the brand is headed in with the next-gen console's release, even going so far as to show off the slick user interface that fans will be greeted by upon every login.


Microsoft’s goal of having the Xbox family expand to become a cloud-based, multimedia service available on every smart device you own is looking closer than ever to reaching fruition. Earlier today, the software giant released a video featuring various members of the Xbox Series X term discussing the bold new horizons the brand is headed in with the next-gen console’s release, even going so far as to show off the slick user interface that fans will be greeted by upon every login.

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Describing the overhaul as the beginning of a new “connected ecosystem,” the company says that whether you log in via mobile, desktop PC or console, you’ll always have full access to all features, including the games themselves, thanks to the impressive cloud-based technology that is xCloud. With efficiency, increased performance and load time reductions being a massive selling point of next-gen, Microsoft is keen to point out that regardless of your method of access, there’ll be less time spent waiting and “more time playing.”

Check out some screenshots of the dashboard for yourself in the gallery down below.

The new and improved UI is intended to roll out across all applicable devices (including Xbox One) alongside the launch of Xbox Series X later this year. Speaking of which, the world still has yet to learn when exactly that will be, and many spectators believe the lack of information on that front to be the result of Microsoft and Sony playing an extended game of chicken.

Neither platform holder wants to show its hand first for fear of being undercut by the other, it would seem, and it’ll be interesting, if that’s the case, to see who cracks first.

Will you be jumping on the next-gen train straight away though, or is this one race you’ll be sitting out? Let us know in the usual place below!