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The Walking Dead: Season Two Finale Gets A Date And Trailer

Telltale is ready to bring The Walking Dead: Season Two to its conclusion, as the fifth and final episode, No Going Back, has been confirmed for releases across various platforms next week. The episode will be made available to download on PC and Mac, as well as the North American PlayStation 3 and PS Vita stores on August 26, followed by the Xbox 360 and European PS3 and Vita versions on August 27, and August 28 as an in-app purchase for iOS.


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Telltale is ready to bring The Walking Dead: Season Two to its conclusion, as the fifth and final episode, No Going Back, has been confirmed for releases across various platforms next week. The episode will be made available to download on PC and Mac, as well as the North American PlayStation 3 and PS Vita stores on August 26, followed by the Xbox 360 and European PS3 and Vita versions on August 27, and August 28 as an in-app purchase for iOS.

Following in the company’s tradition, a teaser trailer has been released for No Going Back, but this one is noticeably different in its approach compared to past episodes. Next to nothing is revealed about the finale’s plot, with only two brief shots of Clementine that tell us very little.

Instead, the trailer serves as a sort of retrospective for the journey she’s taken throughout the whole series, and as a result, it should be stressed that this is a very spoiler-heavy video, and those who haven’t played through the entire series should definitely hold off. The one extended bit of new footage, which is apparently exclusive to this trailer, starts about three-and-a-half minutes in. It shows a home video of Clementine at her house before the events of the original game, and ends with a cut to the older and more hardened Clem that players have helped develop throughout the second season.

As I said in my review of the fourth episode, unlike the original game, there are no real hints as to where Clementine and company will end up by the end of this game. It will be interesting to see if Telltale goes for the tearjerker approach their first Walking Dead title ended on, go for an action and choice-heavy conclusion like The Wolf Among Us, or maybe do something entirely different. Either way, No Going Back is fast approaching its release, and it will be very interesting to see what surprises are in store for fans before the wait for the recently confirmed third season begins.

We will have a review for No Going Back up next week, and will continue to cover future news regarding The Walking Dead as it develops.