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Uncharted: Fight For Fortune Card Game Announced For Vita, Out Dec 4th

SCEA Bend Studio officially announced Uncharted: Fight For Fortune for the PlayStation Vita today, however, it is not exactly the "casino/card" that the Brazil ratings board led us to believe it was.

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SCEA Bend Studio officially announced Uncharted: Fight For Fortune for the PlayStation Vita today, however, it is not exactly the “casino/card” that the Brazil ratings board led us to believe it was.

Uncharted: Fight For Fortune is described as an “action-adventure turn-based card game featuring the heroes and villains from the Uncharted universe”. The game is tied into Uncharted: Golden Abyss and lets players use treasures found in that game to assist them in the card-based battles. Additionally, it uses an online asynchronous multiplayer system, which means that you can still take your turn while your opponent is offline.

As I’m sure you can imagine, Fight For Fortune‘s huge departure from the beloved Uncharted series has resulted in a special reaction from many of the Sony faithful. The game’s announcement on the PlayStation Blog is littered with angry/dismissive comments from fans, and the game’s Youtube trailer is currently bringing in three times as many “dislikes” as “likes”. Most comments center around a desire for an actual sequel to Golden Abyss, however, many take it a step further and proclaim the game to be the death of the Uncharted series and/or the Vita — which is a silly notion, because the Vita seems poised to die with or without the release of this card game.

Check out Uncharted: Fight For Fortune‘s debut trailer below, and look for the game to arrive on the PlayStation Store on December 4th for $4.99.