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Uncharted 3: Multiplayer Revealed

It seems that Naughty Dog opened up an early build of the multiplayer for a special private event, (lord knows who was invited eh?) and the vids were up on ye old internet for a very brief time before they were closed off to the public. Fortunately, some nice chap has been devilishly cunning and recorded the videos on to his own computer.

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It seems that Naughty Dog opened up an early build of the Uncharted 3 multiplayer for a special private event, (lord knows who was invited eh?) and the vids were up on ye old internet for a very brief time before they were closed off to the public. Fortunately, some nice chap has been devilishly cunning and recorded the videos on to his own computer.

Aside from mentioning and highlighting some functions that were only rumours a week ago, it is looking to be a concoction of pure gaming genius and mouth watering addictive-ness. Check the clips out below, hopefully all of this stuff will make the final cut of the game. Naughty Dog are being bold, and to be honest, I’d expect no less from this extremely talented studio.