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Ubisoft’s Second Major Update For The Division Is Here As Conflict Goes Live

The second major update to Tom Clancy's The Division arrived yesterday, bringing the previously announced 'Conflict' content to the game worldwide. Conflict is a part of Ubisoft's post-launch plan which aims to keep the experience fresh for players by introducing new, ongoing content taking place following the endgame.

The Divison Conflict

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The second major update to Tom Clancy’s The Division arrived yesterday, bringing the previously announced Conflict content to the game. For those who don’t know, Conflict is a part of Ubisoft’s post-launch plan which aims to keep the experience fresh for players by introducing new, ongoing content that takes place following the endgame.

This second free update offers a new incursion, extra High Value Targets and various other features to make the journey through mid-crisis New York more challenging and intense than ever. The full patch notes can be found at the game’s official site, but here are the gameplay highlights in brief form:

· New Incursion “Clear Sky”: This new incursion takes players to Columbus Circle area, where they face an overwhelming force of Rikers who are now in full control of the Manhattan airspace. Players need to team up to take back the area and secure the supply route.
· Search and Destroy Missions: Once all side missions and encounters have been completed in a named zone, Search and Destroy missions lead players to groups of enemies located in the open-world.
· High Value Targets: After completing Search and Destroy missions, players are granted with valuable intel to hunt down new enemy leaders who have appeared all over Manhattan.

· Clear Sky introduces new top-of-the-line gear sets. Players will be able to try out these new powerful sets to match their gameplay style:
– Final Measure – Defensive set, enables players to defuse hostile grenades.
– Hunter’s Faith – Powerful long range set, deals severe damages to enemies.
– Lone Star – Damage per second gear set, increases the ammo capacity.
– Predator’s Mark – Support set, enables players to fight enemies at range and increases damage.

· Hijack Extractions: Now players have the ability to interrupt an extraction by cutting the rope and attempt to acquire the fallen loot bags. But this is not without risk, as this action will instantly mark them as Rogue.
· Sealed Cache: Sealed Caches can now be dropped by named enemies in the Dark Zone. The content of these caches remains mysterious until they are extracted and can include gear, Division Tech, and Dark Zone funds.
· Player Stashes: Player stashes are now available in every Dark Zone checkpoint.
· ISAC Assignments: These weekly assignments are now included in the map overview. Also with this update, weekly exclusive rewards will be introduced as well as free vanity items

As was the case with Ubisoft’s last major update, this latest patch has apparently triggered another bug which is causing the disappearance of many players’ main characters upon opening the game. It’s said that Ubisoft are now aware of this, and that the latest in a long line of bug fixes for The Division will be arriving soon.