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10 Upcoming PS Vita Games That We Can’t Wait For

Want me to let you in on a little secret? Here it goes… the PS Vita is not dead. Okay, now repeat that again, but this time with feeling. I know that the Debbie Downers out there will be shaking their collective heads right now, but they’re mistaken — Sony’s plucky handheld console is still valiantly trucking along against all odds, especially in regards to software releases. Sure, it’s nearing the end of the console’s life-cycle, having launched in the West way back in 2012, but it still hasn’t gone the way of the dodo… not just yet anyway.

1) Salt And Sanctuary (Late 2017)

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Dark Souls is one of my favourite games ever, and Salt and Sanctuary is hands-down one of the best Souls clones out there. This 2D action-RPG wears its heart-on-sleeve inspiration with unbridled pride, and developer Ska Studios’ passion really shines through. Everything you know and love about the Souls series is here in full effect; the risk/reward challenge, the RPG depth, the satisfying combat, the meticulous world design, the wonderful but nasty bosses and the cryptic, mysterious narrative are all on-show in full force here.

With hand-drawn stylistic visuals that are dark and beautiful, a deep, rewarding real-time combat system that is packed with nuance and customization, and enemy designs pulled straight out of the Soulsborne’s creepy, grotesque textbook, this is a game to truly savour like a delicious swig of Estus. Praise the salt!

That does it for our list, but feel free to comment down below and let us know what you’re looking forward to most from the PS Vita this year.