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Latest Tomb Raider Screenshots Reveal Every Shade Of Brown

Hot on the heals of last week's reveal that Lara can't swim and will have regenerative health powers in next year's Tomb Raider, Square Enix has released a new set of dreary screenshots for us to browse through.

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Hot on the heals of last week’s reveal that Lara can’t swim and will have regenerative health powers in next year’s Tomb Raider, Square Enix has released a new set of dreary screenshots for us to browse through.

Despite their overly brown and grey appearance, there are some interesting screenshots mixed in with this latest asset dump. For starters, most of the images seem to center around a rather large wooden building that somehow catches on fire at some point — not to point fingers, but one of the screenshots makes it look like Lara is the person responsible for lighting the match.

Outside of Lara burning down the house, there are other stills showing some of the stealth portions of the game, a little .45 caliber firefight, and a glimpse of Tomb Raider‘s item menu system. This last bit is particular interesting as it reveals some aspects of how the game’s upgrade system will work as it relates to Lara’s selection of weapons.

While I’m still very excited to get my hands on Lara’s rebooted adventure next year, here’s hoping that the next set of screenshots will show some part of the island that is not rain-soaked or under the cover of darkness. Past Tomb Raider titles always seemed to feature at least a few areas that were colorful and beautiful to explore, and so far we have seen none of that in the upcoming game. I’m well aware that Lara has shipwrecked and is in a bad situation, but even Lost had a couple of tropical sandy beaches.

Tomb Raider is currently set to launch on March 5, 2013 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.

Source: NeoGAF