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THQ Will Maintain Exclusive UFC License Until 2018

Today, THQ announced their acquiring of exclusive rights to use the UFC brand until 2018, as well as detailed plans to make their UFC games available to a wider audience.

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It looks like THQ will be the sole source of UFC related games until the year 2018. Today, the publisher announced a deal with Zuffa Inc., the promotion company for the Ultimate Fighting Championship, that would secure exclusive rights to release games featuring the UFC brand, as well as a plan to bring the brand to numerous other platforms.

THQ has now put into effect a plan to bring UFC branded games to handhelds, including the iPad and iPhone, in addition to the UFC training/fitness game currently slated for a release sometime in 2011.

This follows an announcement from earlier this year that they are considering ditching the yearly release schedule for their UFC Undisputed series, instead opting for a 15-21 month spread between games instead.