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There Could Be A PC Future On The Horizon For Halo Games

In a report about the future of Microsoft's Xbox console, Kotaku brought news that suggested franchises like Halo could be seeing a bright future for PC players as well. The feature speaks of Microsoft's plans to converge the Xbox One and PC in future, and points to some large gaming franchises being able to benefit from the fluidity.

Halo 5


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In a report about the future of Microsoft’s Xbox consoles, Kotaku brought news that suggested franchises like Halo could be seeing a bright future for PC players as well. The feature speaks of Microsoft’s plans to eventually converge the Xbox One and PC, and points to some large gaming franchises being able to benefit from the fluidity.

Kotaku’s coverage speaks about some of the first-party games already set for the PC in years to come, and had comments from developers to add fuel to the speculation about greater PC coverage as Microsoft’s plans progress:

For a while now Microsoft has been clear that they want their two prestige brands to work together, as they’ve announced big new exclusives like Halo Wars 2 and Sea of Thieves for both Xbox One and PC. Developer sources have told us that Microsoft’s new mandate is to release future games–including the flagship Halo series–on both platforms. The recently-cancelled Fable Legends, which was playable across Windows 10 and Xbox One, was one of the first games to implement this strategy.

Given that we last week discovered Halo 5‘s Forge tools would be coming to Windows 10 devices this year, it certainly seems that the likelihood of more Halo titles coming to PC is growing stronger.

Kotaku’s report came as part of a larger discussion around the future of the Xbox One console and Microsoft’s plans for E3, the highlights of which we brought you earlier today.