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The 10 Most Promising Games From PAX East

The Penny Arcade Expo - or PAX for short - is a grand annual celebration of gaming culture, and last weekend gamers from across the American continent descended on Boston for PAX East. A festive occasion, PAX is a chance for people to come together and enjoy their shared passion for video games.

Shadow Warrior 2

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Shadow Warrior - Screen 3

Developer Flying Wild Hog are back with a new Shadow Warrior game following on from the success of the rebooted title back in 2013. The latest iteration changes the formula considerably though, with a far less linear environment and the ability to play its largely open maps cooperatively.

Quite apart from looking absolutely stunning in footage shown off at PAX East, Shadow Warrior 2 has added a stack of clever new mechanics and its gameplay looks to be hugely entertaining. This is a game that doesn’t take itself too seriously, allowing players to eviscerate enemies in an endless manner of comically violent ways. It’s gory, over the top and a refreshing change of pace from the current range of military first person shooters.

To call Shadow Warrior 2 mindless entertainment might not be giving the game quite enough credit though, as it does incorporate RPG elements, customizable weaponry and some clever procedurally generated level design. That being said, this is still a tongue in cheek title that looks destined to put a smile on the face when it debuts later this year across PS4, Xbox One and PC.